Hello! Its been quite a hot minute since I sat down and made a blog post. I'm not really sure if anyone out there is even reading this but thats okay. When I first started, I thought I would have more time to stick to blogging but I completely stopped when I had other competing priorities. Regardless, I'm a believer thats its never too late to start over so here I am. Lately I just felt the urge to pull up my blog and start writing again. You might see some content from me on my latest international travel trip to Vietnam. It was a very eventful ten day trip to Hanoi and Hoi Ann and I had a blast! Going forward, I'll pop in here and there to just write about random thoughts, things happening in life, holiday plans, hobbies, goals, whatever I feel like. If you're still reading this, I hope to see you back. Heres to a new fresh blogging start...
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