2021 New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! 

Let me just say thank you next, 2020, and hello 2021! 2020 has been a year like no other, an emotional roller coaster ride filled with more downs than ups, but Im thankful to have made it through this year still relatively healthy + covid free and so are my close family and friends. Truly that is all I can ask for. Now for 2021, Im hopeful for the world to beat this pandemic and for life to resume normally. 

For the new year I like to think about my resolutions even though Im part of the 90% who doesn't always follow through with them. lol Im not going to put too much pressure on myself but I like being conscious of the areas that I can improve on whether its healthy habits, personal development, career growth, small changes, etc. 

Here are some of my new year resolutions for 2021:

1. Cook thirty new recipes - I have been really into baking lately and neglected my cooking skills. In 2021, I am aiming to cook more. 

2. Travel to one new destination (Japan, Bali, Cancun, etc) or a mini local adventure if its not possible. We will see with this one being that the pandemic is still ongoing but I really miss traveling with friends. 

3. Read ten new books - When I was younger I used to be an avid reader but these days I find it really difficult to settle down and spend my time reading with all the distractions around me. However, reading ten new books sounds doable. 

4. Develop a better skin routine - Ever since I discovered that I have seborrheic dermatitis on my face, I have struggled with finding products that work well on my skin without causing a red flare up. For 2021, I want to maintain a log of my skin condition and see what I can use to keep my skin condition under control. 

5. Try something new (Some potential ideas- make resin jewelry, make candles, grow vegetables, etc)

Theres a few more, but Im keeping this list relatively short. We'll check back on progress at the end of 2021!

If you are looking for new year resolution ideas, check out this blog post - 70 New Year Resolution Ideas

Anyways, hope everyone have a wonderful new year! 


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