2021 New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! Let me just say thank you next, 2020, and hello 2021! 2020 has been a year like no other, an emotional roller coaster ride filled with more downs than ups, but Im thankful to have made it through this year still relatively healthy + covid free and so are my close family and friends. Truly that is all I can ask for. Now for 2021, Im hopeful for the world to beat this pandemic and for life to resume normally. For the new year I like to think about my resolutions even though Im part of the 90% who doesn't always follow through with them. lol Im not going to put too much pressure on myself but I like being conscious of the areas that I can improve on whether its healthy habits, personal development, career growth, small changes, etc. Here are some of my new year resolutions for 2021: 1. Cook thirty new recipes - I have been really into baking lately and neglected my cooking skills. In 2021, I am aiming to cook more. 2. Travel to one new destination (J...